
In coda2 pull external site to inpect element and code
In coda2 pull external site to inpect element and code

in coda2 pull external site to inpect element and code

Every paragraph should be wrapped between a pair of these if you use linebreaks instead, the webpage will assume that these are just for your own readability of the code and still display everything as a single block of text. Block elements can stand on their own, inline elements cannot.

in coda2 pull external site to inpect element and code

This list will occasionally refer to block elements vs inline elements essentially, the distinction is that inline elements can only exist within a block element. Now, with all of that out of the way, we can finally get to a glossary of the main tags that are used in Smogon files: the href attribute that specifies the target url in a hyperlink), sometimes not. You'll be seeing attributes on a lot more tags, sometimes mandatory (e.g. Both these so-called attributes are mandatory, because as you may have guessed an tag alone isn't actually sufficient for making the proper image show up, and it needs this additional info. In short, the former indicates the url the tag should pull its image from, and the latter is an alt text that should be included as a failsafe in case the image url is dead. Sticking with the above image tag for a bit, you'll have noticed the src and alt bits and are probably wondering what they're doing. Every "fixed point" element works the same way, including linebreaks and page dividers. This is where the closing slash comes in this one tells the browser that it should not wait for a closing tag but just move on, and as a result these tags are called self-closing tags. Naturally, we'll need to go with just a single tag here, but even with just an tag, the browser would still be waiting for a closing tag, because it would have no reason to treat it differently from a tag at this point. The thing I'd like to focus on here first is the closing slash at the end of the HTML, which you'll see is absent from the prior paragraph tag example.


If you feel like you have a basic understanding of how things work, you are free to post a thread here and request the eval! There's no specific format to follow other than expressing your interest to contribute and outlining your prior history with HTML (if applicable). The idea is that reading over this once will demystify the system like it did for me and allow you to start writing your own stuff after once you actually have an idea what you're doing, you can work your way up to an approved HTMLer pretty quick! The approach I'm taking here is basically an introductory reading one that will allow you to get your feet wet after I am aware this thread may still have gotten pretty long, but you really don't Need to know everything here by heart. Writing an HTML 101 is kinda weird because a comprehensive resource gets very unhelpfully encyclopedic very quick and this is the kind of thing that's way better learned by doing than by reading. All that to say: we can always use more active HTML contributors! And I hope having an actual introductory thread in here makes things just a bit more accessible and gets people over the hump that held me back when I was new. Thankfully I passed this and also worked my way up to approved HTMLer in the months after in large part thanks to having a wonderful friend (hi ant :D) I could talk code with that made me see there was actually a pretty understandable system behind the confusing mess. or you're like user: Lumari in 2015 and know that HTML is a webpage thing that people can use to contribute to this website but at the same time are scared of code and don't know of any proper resources to learn it therefore end up freaking out when you're randomly put up for the Site Content Manager badge. Hi, hello, so if you're reading this post then maybe you already have a good understanding of HTML.

In coda2 pull external site to inpect element and code